Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Flower poem

Flower so bright,
Flower so new.
Why does the humming bother you?
Spending your time, wishing you knew.
Speak with honour.
Stand with dignity.

Suppose the humming stopped humming,
What say you?
Trees look down on you and say nothing.
Let your nectar stay sweet and let the sun delight in your fashion.
The wind blows alone but it feels your presence.
Its spirit feels the fluster of your petals.
Trying to grasp onto one. Just one.
Till it realizes that you stand firm.


Your leaves whisper sweet nothings,
Proclaiming your fun and varying colour.
Pretty with no inside jollifies the leaves when falling down.
Don't let whispers tell your time for they too want to see you fall.
The branches watch everything with intentions of mocking you.
They too want to see everything falling, leaves and all.
They see it fit to stand out in front of everything.
When the rain falls, they laugh to see you drained.
They dry faster more than anything.
But don't wilt flower.
Flowers are meant to stay beautiful.

© 2010 Krystal Volney

Talk­ing about the po­em: (The ex­pla­na­tion & ex­tend­ed thought)

It refers metaphor­i­cal­ly to in­di­vid­u­als (both wom­en and men) that are seen as the flow­er (with ra­di­ant petals and nec­tar).

The green leaves are filled with chloro­phyll(that illustrate en­vy) and are split typically in­to two halves on the leaf & as well as the back and front of the leaf mean­ing two-​faced peo­ple with lines on them re­lat­ing to com­pli­ments (en­vi­ous per­sons).™ Green in this scenario demonstrates envy although the colour green in other cases symbolizes learning, growth and harmony.

"Pretty with no inside" can be elucidated through comprehending that each society has a different view of what is "pretty" poetically such as the Padaung Hill Tribe (women) or fitness (men) because there are multifarious species of flower on the earth. Without an inside representing nectar after the hummingbird has taken away the nectar or tried to sabotage the flower, the leaves become jollified as the seasons change.

The green leaves are jol­li­fied when the flow­er has no in­side which dis­plays the change from green to red & yel­low colour in au­tumn at the time of leaf fall, em­blem­at­ic for hap­pi­ness, pow­er and en­light­en­ment.™ The branch­es deal with those who are rough in men­tal­i­ty & ruth­less who are not blown away by beau­ty, (often attract­ing & entertaining friends such as snakes that coil and wrap around them). The trees ex­press old­er and more 'ma­ture' in­di­vid­u­als who have been ex­is­tent for cen­turies( stress­ing on the ma­tu­ri­ty and ex­pe­ri­ence) or in decades (human life ex­pectan­cy with ex­pe­ri­ence at hand). The 'hum­ming' refers to the sounds of the hum­ming bird which is metaphorical IN PO­ET­RY & in this par­ticular sit­u­a­tion for peo­ple who are 'haters' con­not­ing that the flow­er has both out­ward beau­ty & sweet nec­tar (sweet in­te­ri­or rep­re­sen­ta­tive in the world for flair, tal­ent, great personality or just in general some­thing good about them based on per­ception); there will be en­vy ex­pect­ed, fuss and gos­sip as well in so­ci­ety be­cause of its rep­u­ta­tion. The dra­ma!!! The hum­ming bird goes by most flow­ers as most have nec­tar. The wind deals with the cold-​heart­ed and lone­ly peo­ple in the world that de­sire to feel the en­er­gy of the petals. The flow­er is often mocked by the branch­es be­cause flow­ers are pre­sent everywhere around the planet. The leaves are always whispering and hoping that the flower will fall as well.

However, in the end it ought not fall apart. The sun is the star of the so­lar system delighting in the fashion of the flower and its poise in Spring.

(This was the first poem written in the year 2010).

© 2010 Krystal Volney