Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Krystal Volney's Quotes

"Yes, there are times to assume things, but the key thing to remember- in life one ought not always make assumptions."

"There's nothing wrong with being single forever."

"Just because someone is single doesn't mean that he or she is lonely."

"There will always be those type of peope in life that will try to or cramp your style."

"True friends should not be defined by what they can do for you financially or socially but by being genuinely there for you. So many people get caught up in 'using' other individuals conveniently and only wanting to be friends for that reason. Humans by nature are selfish and mostly care about themselves before anyone else so be careful who you deem as friends. A real friend is hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget."

"It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do, there will always be somebody who doesn't get you or who ponders about you in a fault-finding way. Don't try to win over those apathetic or hostile to you, because it's a fool's errand."

"It doesn’t matter in life if there are people who dislike you. Whether it's because of race, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual preference or social class, they may find it very difficult to see you as a human being in your own right. It's possible for someone to overcome that prejudice, but it hardly ever happens, and it never happens quickly."

"Always live a peaceful and remember not to be self-righteous in life or condemn anyone because everyone's lives are different as well as many people have been through a lot. It's not an excuse to be evil but make the world a better place. If everyone was to adopt the mentality that he or she should be evil and fire bun the world, then it would be the end of civilization as we know it. Let's love and know that serenity & light is the way.
You've been through a lot, and you've also learned! Only you know that."

"Be careful in life. Sometimes your enemies can pretend to be your supporters when in reality, you see their true colors after time has passed.
Most humans have the tendency of wanting to be or feel better than others as it is their competitive nature to do so thus they may viciously try to bring you down to fulfill that desire for power, perhaps greed or veneration. They would kill to see you suffer and in most cases, would never put themselves in your position (even if you're living a good and peaceful life). Whoever you may be from whatever social backgrounds, there will always be those sort of people that will try to hurt you."

"You were born to be real, not to be 'perfect'. You're here to be you and live a peaceful & purposeful life. If they misunderstand you or try to deliberately hurt you, then they complicate things.Most individuals turn into monsters after sick experiences from crooked people but the ones who stay strong through any adversity will always be strong."

"In life, you will know who your true friends are when they can't get 'anything' from you or out of you whether it is popularity, fame or financial gain."

"May there be great peace and happiness in your lives! May society become a better place and those that are hurting deep down inside feel great about themselves and to those that hate the world as well as everything still, fight that ball of bitterness that lives within you. The world may not care about you so you have to care about yourself and take care of yourself or go to places for asylum & serenity. Don't feel ashamed or make the world give you the impression because of negative stereotypes that you shouldn't because humans are about themselves and their personal issues. At the end of the day, who knows you better than yourself? Perhaps close friends? God? But may God be a God of peace for you. And if you don't have any true friends, remember one genuine friend is better than a thousand fake friends."

"It's nobody's business where you are in your odyssey or life but yours and God's. The reality is that the world is unequal and unfair but don't despair even when you truly believe that everything is about your career and whether you persevere. Who cares whether people love you- human emotions can always change but God's love stays the same. People will call you fake, pretentious and won't wish you well in this life even if they know what hardships you've been through. Well let them walk in your shoes and see what you've been through."

"Many people will try to get on your nerves but don't let them. That's how society is- there's the bad and sadistic ones that want to hurt as well as bring you down for their sick sense of humor. Remember, you are in charge of your feelings and don't let anyone or people leave you in a state of sadness or hopelessness because that's what they want more than anything in this globe. Try to focus on what's good like fresh air and the intangible things in life."

"Whenever agitated with anyone, the best thing to do is to walk away and be surrounded with positivity. Realistically, everyone is different."

"Whenever depressed, always remember that not everyone would understand you. Let your negative experiences in life strengthen the character."

"There are many that enter into friendships and relationships with unrealistic expectations. God has taught me how to stop having high expectations in people, and instead put expectations in Him. He gives humans choices. No matter how "good", strong, or well-meaning a person may be, it's unrealistic to think that he or she can fulfill our every expectation. We live in a world where humans want power; as you can see, everything requires power from the intangible things to the tangible things. Be careful of who you trust because who they truly are, may not be who you thought they were even if you've known them for years. Sometimes the greatest backstabbers are the ones you trusted after many years and then they eventually show their true colors. Such is life."

"Anyone that expects you to be perfect will never love you for who you are until he or she comes to the realization that human beings are imperfect beings. The globe is a cold, wicked and cruel place where individuals always (in any case) put themselves first before anyone and are incapable of loving you because they can't love themselves completely. So the "inner" evil that people have to fight in order to be peaceful and good on a daily basis can give in because certain things in life are not truly flawless."

"Anyone that treats you badly in a relationship, it simply means that you tell her or him goodbye. Life shouldn't be a melancholy odyssey or one where you are always second-guessing yourself or wondering if you are special or cool in the eyes of whomever is deemed important. Many people gain strength by seeing others in distress or by belittling as well as making others look stupid. However, what is significant is true happiness not others' apperception of what it may be. Season's greetings to you."

"There comes a point in your life when you realize who really matters, who never did, and who always will."

"There's a special mystery to this life, caught in every daily breath."

"Be the best friend that you can be to your true friends."

"If you change your thoughts, you can also change your world."

"Suppose the humming stopped humming, what say you?"

"In life's journey, you will meet all sorts of characters. Always remember, never shed a tear for the heartless, corrupt or insensitive."

"Being weird is not necessarily a bad thing. Everyone sees life and humanity from various perspectives. Thus see yourself as different."

"In life, there are situations where no matter how kind, diplomatic or relatable one is there'll always be people because of their...But we ought to live our lives in our own worlds in this gigantic globe and get along with each other although not everyone."

"It is a state of mind. You either stay a caterpillar, an egg or...you become a butterfly."

"If someone hurt you, abandoned you, betrayed you..it says nothing about your meaningfulness but everything about his or her character."

"Teardrops from the constellation and luminosity beyond fantasy, picking petals from Leontopodium alpinum delivered from Romanian Carpathians."

"Discontent and impatience change nothing except our peace and joy.Peace does not dwell in outward things,but in the heart within the being."

"Keep the peace within yourselves.May your hearts be at peace perpetually."

"Being peaceful doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections."

"Inner peace creates outer peace. Always try to have peace of mind whenever you experience negative thoughts and feelings."

"Peace is ours to create for ourselves."

"Don't stress about people who don't deserve room in your heart or thoughts."

"Why compare yourself with others? No one in the entire world can do a better job of being you than you."

"Happiness will come to you when it comes from you. Others can only bring temporary happiness and not everyone understands you."

"People will always criticize. Stay upbeat and love yourself! There's nothing wrong with being different."

"There are three constants in existence... change with almost everything, choice and principles."

"There are those so filled with hatred towards themselves,humanity and life generally.Fight that ball of bitterness & hurt. You are special."

"Never question your life or its purpose. You were created for a reason. Make it a good one. Never add to the destruction of the world."

"There are alot of people hurting deep inside from experiences in life. Be strong and keep the faith. Even if it's like a flame in the dark."

"A true friend when given the opportunity, uplifts you and doesn't bring you down."

"In life, we must be thankful for the true friends who love us and care about us being happy. Some people lack the understanding of others."

"The zephyrs sang ethereal arias to the flittering Orphic butterlies in a poetic atmosphere..parasol-shaded as fanciful leaders..."

"Many people experience hatred of something in their lives but hatred & hurt are things which are toxic. It's easier said than done because some people cannot relate to you as they lack experience or have never been hurt to understand what it's like to have those sentiments. Thought for the day- try to finally let go of the hatred and hurt that lives in your heart because by doing that, eventually a spirit of serenity would take over your mind and you will realize that whoever caused you pain, was never worth it."

"Don't let whispers tell your time for they too want to see you fall.
The branches watch everything with intentions of mocking you.
They too want to see everything falling, leaves and all.
They see it fit to stand out in front of everything.
When the rain falls, they laugh to see you drained."

"Seasonal friends- they're "there for you" and only come around during seasons of life when things are going great and almost perfect. Then, when things aren't so great, you see their true colors."

"People will always let you down in life. It's human nature."

"Not everything in life is a sign."

"The worst type of friend is a double-minded person with double standards who is unstable. Inevitably, due to his or her instability, it would be shown in the friendship that he/she was a frenemy all of the time. Therefore, there are many stones in life that you may meet, but the true diamonds take time to appear."

"Never compare yourself to other people because humans were all brought into the world in different situations with dissimilar circumstances."

© 2010 Krystal Volney